Avidian Prophet 2004

Read Me for Prophet 2004
Copyright Avidian Technologies LLC, 2003-2004 All Rights Reserved


Important! Clicking on Avidian Prophet for the first time will merge the Outlook contact information

in the current mailbox with Prophet 2004. This will take a few minutes depending on

the number of contacts and the speed of you computer. For example, a P3 800 with 2,000 contacts

will take approximately 2 minutes. Please be patient while this process finishes.


Here are some resources to get you started as well as a place to send questions and comments:

www.avidian.com/community.aspx?n=6áá Quick start guide, FAQÆs, Tips &á Tricks
support@avidian.comáááá Technical support of Prophet 2004
jamesw@avidian.comáááá Sales and partnerships with Avidian and Prophet
www.avidian.comáááááááááá Product and company information

In addition, you will find assistance with Prophet in the program help files.

System Requirements

Pentium 233 (MHz) or higher processor
128 MB RAM or higher
400 MB of available hard disk space
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional/Server, Windows XP Home/Professional
Microsoft Outlook 2000, XP/2002

Installation Instructions

Close all Anti-Virus and active applications including Microsoft Outlook.
2. PLEASE disable or deactivate all Antivirus software.
3. Run file ProphetSetup.exe to start installation.
4. Follow the instructions during the install process including entering your personal serial number received during the purchase.
5. Reboot your machine
6. Launch Microsoft Outlook
7. Select the Outlook Mailbox where Prophet will be installed û usually, this is the personal folders mailbox. A new folder in this mailbox will created titled ôAvidian Prophetö û YouÆre done!